Thursday, November 30, 2017


Colin, Isaac and Rachel talk about what it takes to be a member today compared to back in the day.  We also get to know Isaac and answer questions from the listeners.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Spirit Prophet

Colin, Isaac and Rachel talk about losing childhood heros, the Church Loot box system, and what prophets resemble us the most.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Late in the Day Saints (clearing the docket)

Colin Isaac and Rachel talk about stuff and junk.  We recorded this one a couple weeks ago and Isaac is refusing to do another episode till I put this up claiming this was the greatest we have ever done.  Maybe now we can get another episode out before Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Late in the Day Saints Changes

Colin and Isaac miss Rachel as they talk about the changes that occur as you get older.  Colin also recounts his tale of going to a different ward.

Late in the Day Saints (Post Modern)

Colin and Isaac talk about the stuff that is going on in the media.  Hopefully this link will work better than the one before!!  Thanks for your support and patience.