Saturday, February 20, 2016

Late in the Day Saints (Pioneers)

Colin, Isaac and Rachel invite a special guest on to talk about Pioneers.  We also read letters from listeners, defend Kanye West, and test Isaac's knowledge of his roots.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Early in the Day Saint (Reaction to Reply All Podcast)

Colin sits down and gives a reply to the "Reply All" Podcast that talks about John Dehlin and questioning the church.  You should listen to the Reply all podcast as it gives a great perspective of what it is like from members who have left the church.  This is meant to give a perspective from those who have stayed.  Sorry it isn't too funny.  I suck without Isaac and Rachel.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Later in the Days Saints

Colin, Isaac and Rachel invite their friend Chris on the show and talk about the church's new policy update.  This podcast was recorded in December and just airing now.  We apologize for any dated references.  PG-13 for Potty Humor and Adult Themes.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Late in the Day Saints (Joseph Smith)

Colin, Isaac and Rachel talk about the greatest prophet of these latter days...Joseph Smith.  What if he were alive today and in your ward?  What calling would he have?  Find out on this episode of late in the day saints.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Late in the Day Saints (Scandals)

Colin, Isaac, and Rachel go over their favorite "scandals" that have happened in the Church.  From ponderize to fighting with clubs, this episode is surprisingly more researched than most...